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I suppose it's close enough to mid-year to do a mid-year resolution review. Resolution #1 was to read a book a month. So far this year I've only read four:-Jump The Shark - This hardly counts, since it's so short. And it sucked. But my sister gave it to me and I can't NOT read a book I own, so there you go.
-How To Ruin Your Life - This hardly counts since it's also very short, but at least it didn't suck. It's full of sarcasm, but I suppose if you really wanted to ruin your life you could. I'll post some quotes soon.
-New Orleans, Mon Amour - I defy you to read this book without a Romanian accent in your head. Sometimes I would read one of the essays out loud and do my best impression of the accent. Since I read this entire book on a plane, the other passengers probably hated it. A Christmas present that I actually asked for, I enjoyed it quite a lot.
-The Four Loves - I've already written about this one. A gift from a blogger chick I met online. I enjoyed it a lot and continue to think about memorable passages that apply in daily life.
So I'm behind in my reading. I've been working on First Man for a while. As you can see, it's nearly 800 pages and I'm less than 25% done. I haven't been reading at night like I used to, so I need to get back into the habit (among other habits). I also have this and this in the queue to be read. Feel free to drop a recommendation.
Resolution #2 was to take another step towards living the kind of life that I want. This is why I love the touchy-feely, subjective resolutions: I can totally BS my way through it and nobody knows any different! Honestly, I think I've backslid a little bit over the last couple of months, as if you didn't notice my complete lack of May posts. I don't want to go into detail but, apart from a certain relationship, I haven't been all that happy lately. It's nothing you need to worry about, but it's time to shake things up.