You can't undo a touch, taste, smell, sound, or sight.You can't undo a thought, or a memory.
You can't undo a dream, a hope, or a wish.
You can't undo the time that has passed.
You can't undo a smile, a purr, or a wag of the tail.
You can't undo a wink, a flirt, a hug, or a kiss.
You can't undo a friend or a lover.
You can't undo the time that is passing.
You can't undo what you know, what you've learned.
You can't undo a fight, even if you're wrong.
You can't undo the distance from here to there.
You can't undo the time that must first pass.
Would you want to, though? It's a little a la "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."
It's better to not undo. Even the things that hurt.
Better to do than try to undo.
try Ctrl-Alt-Z?
seriously, no, you can't undo it. but your past is what makes you what you are.
and if you don't LIKE what you are...then that's what the future is for.
whoa. i should totally cross stitch that on a pillow.
So, what do you want to do?
Aide- No, that's my point. It's a good thing.
Brighton- There is no try, only do or do not.
ESC- Old knitting maid...
Jeth- Do be do be do...
I love this - and the comments (cross stitch this on a pillow) are hilarious too. :) I think I'll email this to everyone I know. :) kim
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