Thursday, June 02, 2005


I've been trying to write a very deeply emotional and meaningful post entitled "My First Time" but I've really been struggling to find the right words. Honestly. I'm still working on it, so I'll just give you some drivel until then...

Summer school started up last night. This is going to suck a golfball through a garden hose. It'll suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. That armadillo was so huge it sucked my truck dry! Wait, where was I? School...

5 weeks, and since the Memorial Day holiday used up one of our class days, we have to make it up. This Friday night, from 6-10pm. Kill me. Kill me now. As if I've got anything better to do. Right, kill me. Kill me now. And we have our first exam next week. I need a drink- Bourbon, rocks.

Other exciting new developments in my life ... This concludes the "exciting new developments" segment.

Right here in the Tinyhands Fun Labs we've invented a new game: Frankenstein Fridays. Play it in your own office or at home. It's easy, here's how: Just drop parts of speech, as though you're Frankenstein. The last person to shout "FIRE BAD!" has to do something indicative of losing the game.

Example 1: Around noon, gather your co-workers and say "We go lunch." The last person to shout "FIRE BAD!" has to buy.

Example 2: At the end of the day- "Time go home." Again, the last person to shout "FIRE BAD!" buys the first round at happy hour.

Example 3: If it's just you and the spouse at home, maybe after dinner you'll say "Food good." If the spouse doesn't shout "FIRE BAD!" he or she has to pony up the first backrub.

Have LOTS of fun experimening with your own challenges and rewards.


At 8:58 AM, Blogger Kate the Peon said...

Wait - are there cute girls in your class? That you get to spend Friday night with?

Spin it, babe.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger PDgirl said...

i'm going with kate on this. check out the class girls and see if there are any that look good. then work it!

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Badaunt said...

I read that as "Just drop pants of speech..." and thought you'd invented a really kinky game, if only I could figure out how to drop pants of speech.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Brighton said...

I'm with Kate, look for the positive spin....

At 4:29 PM, Blogger me said...

ooooh, a bourbon rocks. how fantastic! 2 will make you feel better, 4 will make you forget the 2, and 20 will make you forget if the drinking came before or after the problem.


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