Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Set up for the let down

Tina tried to let me let her set me up. I'm not sure why she thinks it's ok for her to do that. Tina is in one of my study groups and when I offered up my place for the group to come study & work on our group project she kind of hemmed & hawed and came up with something like "well, I don't really want to spend a lot of time trying to find your place" as if you need the secret decoder ring. I saw right through that, but instead of calling her on it, when asked by the other group members where we would meet (in fact, one of the others asked if we could meet at my place) I said my place wasn't available and we'd just have to meet at the university. Later, I told the story to one of the guys who knows her a lot better, and he said it has something to do with being a married woman and I'm a single guy and she was brought up to be distrustful/careful around strangers. Well, great explanation. I feel SO much better about myself now that I'm considered an unregistered sex-offender.

During that same study session, she asked about my wife. When I corrected her, and said EX-wife, she backtracked all over herself again. Ok, maybe she didn't want to come to my place because my wife might have been there and I guess two women can't be in the same room together or something. Whatever. A little while later she started asking a few personal questions, eventually getting around to 'did I think there were any cute girls in class'. As a matter of fact I do.

Here's where it goes off-the-scale stupid: We're sitting in class tonight and she starts passing notes. 33 fucking years old passing notes in school. "Which girl?" she wants to know, "The one closest to the door?" She's alright, but maybe I should pass her a note after gym class, I respond. "Want me to set you up?"

Now, this might have been remotely acceptible if a) Tina didn't think I was a perv (aside: which I am, but not until you get to know me better), or b) she even knew the girl in question. The reality of the situation is that she would have walked up to a total stranger to ask her to go out with a different stranger, to whom she is only slightly less of a stranger. In other words, I'm the huge loser. (aside: Where's Vince Vaughan when you need him? Who's the big winner? MIKEY's the big winner!) Oh yeah, c) I wouldn't need any help getting that girl to go out with me.

I let it go and she didn't press the issue. The fact is, the girl she was talking about is ok, but the one I really like was sitting directly in front of us. She played with her hair all night and I really enjoyed that. (aside: She was only 2' away, so I fantasized about leaning forward and kissing the back of her neck. I know, perv.) I heard her speaking to the girl next to her, and it definitely sounded like Chinese, so revise my previous guess. I missed my opportunity though, when after class it was raining and she didn't have an umbrella. I should have walked her to her car, but I was preoccupied chatting with two other guys. It didn't occur to me until another girl walked up and offered, at which point I had most definitely missed my chance. Well, it occured to me, but really I don't have anything to offer the pretty girl (or the just-ok one, for that matter) right now. I'm divorced and unemployed, two pretty tough conversation-killers. I'm not a dead-beat though- I pay my own bills, cook my own meals, and clean my own house. I know, I don't have to be ashamed of either one, but I'm old-fashioned and my self-esteem is in the shitter with 'nanner and her would-be boyfriend. I can't do anything about being divorced, but I don't see how I'm much of a catch until I get a job. I know part of me isn't trying very hard- thinking that I can keep hiding from my personal life until I get a job. I'm dreadfully lonely, but very comfortable in the safety of it. (aside: sorry, much deeper than I planned on going...flame away)


At 6:17 AM, Blogger Badaunt said...

Tina fancies you. It's the only explanation. She is, however, married, and not That Sort of Woman, she thinks, so this scares her. She is afraid that if she went to your house and happened to, say, brush up against you in the kitchen, she'd lose control and rip your clothes off. She knows this would happen because she has fantasized about it so many times.

She hopes that if she hooks you up with another woman it will cure her of these distracting fantasies, which prevent her from concentrating on her studies. It's hard to study when you're mentally stripping the guy you barely know sitting next to you. She is getting desperate, which explains her bizarre behaviour.

(Do you feel better yet?)

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Allie said...

i really really like reading your blog. any word from the squirrel army? :)

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Tasty said...

Badaunt is correct. Really.

I also fantasize about kissing the necks of attractive and/or delicious-smelling man-people around me.

At 11:40 AM, Blogger tinyhands said...

Theic- That sounds like it was written by someone who's been there...unfortunately, there's more than an ocean between us, cherie. ;)

April- As unhealthy as it is, it's just too easy to take comfort in misery and self-pity. I got myself into this mess and I will get myself out of it, but I'm not listening to enough music that makes me get up and dance in my jammies.

Allie- How dare you be cooler than me, in more ways than one. I've been reading yours the whole time (including the row between T & Lola- I think that's who it was), but I haven't been able to download anything by Keaton Simons. ;)

Stacey- Wow, that's 3 votes for my very own 'Desperate Housewife' and I didn't remotely see it. I'll have to pour on the charm. I see nothing wrong with you kissing random mens, but if I did it I'd get my picture in the paper with a court date. (And that's just for kissing men! Imagine if I kissed random wimmens.)

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Zelda said...

I tried to fix my roommate up with this guy who she eventually claimed date raped her. URG!!! And as if I hadn't learned my lesson, I also tried to fix a friend up with another friend, but the girl got trashed drunk and ended up passing out on him in his car without any clothes on. Have to blog about that one. It was priceless.

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Allie said...

yay - i'm glad you hung around. now come play along for god's sake ... and yea the todd and lauren drama was fun wasn't it ... but we're all golden now - everyone acted like a grown up eventually.

and quit being funnier than me!

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Allie said...

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At 12:58 PM, Blogger Heather said...

"Desperate Housewives"! I love that show!

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take a completely different stance on this Tina woman. Sometime in her distant past, someone close to her took advantage of her. While she has repressed these memories, she has residual trust issues. Thus, the male gender as a whole strikes fear in her heart, which results in her curious behavior toward you. Although I'm not sure how her marriage fits into that...

Or maybe she's just one of those really obnoxious people that makes you think maybe the life-without-parole sentence would be worth it were you rid of her for the rest of eternity...

Did I mention I just read the Freudian chapter in my Psych text?

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Allie said...

sorry about that - i double posted there...

At 1:28 PM, Blogger tinyhands said...

Z- My ex & I set up two of her friends. They dated for awhile, then broke up. Naturally, she called him a few weeks later and wedding plans were hastily arranged. Despite the breakup and marriage under those circumstances they remain happily married 5+ years later and have a second child.

Bonnie Heather- I NEVER would have guessed you're in a psych class! :) Just don't ruin the ending of Lost, I taped it last night and haven't watched it yet.

At 2:24 PM, Blogger Allie said...

so do me a favor ... and shoot me an email when you get a chance - i think i still own you an apology ...

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Zelda said...

I have this strange feeling that I should type something here. I have no idea what. I think I'm just compelled to manipulate you into amusing me, so here I am typing. Something.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Badaunt said...

Been there? Moi? *gasp* How dare you!

(Only once, and I didn't.)

At 6:19 PM, Blogger TheTart said...

More bread crumbs & the puzzle of U is forming.

; )


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