Thursday, April 27, 2006

Ask your doctor about Tinyhands

Who is it? Oh, I'm sorry. I can't come to the door right now. I'm afraid that in my weakened condition, I could take a bad spill down the stairs and subject myself to further school absences. You can reach my parents at their places of business. Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate your concern for my well-being. Have a nice day!


At 12:14 AM, Blogger Allie said...

Ferris, you're my hero.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Zelda said...

Regarding My Life, I can never watch that movie again. I cried for an hour after the movie was over in the movie theater. I was crying so hard, I couldn't talk to the ushers who were trying to help me out. And the more I tried to stop, the worse it got. I had a headache for three days afterwords. Definitely the hardest movie I've ever watched. I don't even remember Nicole Kidman in it.

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Kate the Peon said...

Will your doctor get me ice cream?

Sweet cream, please.

:D Ah, I slay me.

At 11:29 AM, Blogger tinyhands said...

Mimi- When Tinyhands was in Egypt's land...

Z- This is what I'm saying. But I bet the next time you see it, in addition to crying your eyes out, you'll notice Nikki's bad acting.

kTp- What have you done to deserve ice cream? You're neither sick nor coming to see me.

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Kate the Peon said...

Thus, the joke.

Not to mention me not liking ice cream...

At 5:15 AM, Blogger Pixie Sprinkle said...

I cried just reading that!

At 12:07 PM, Blogger tinyhands said...

ktP- Good one. :|

Pix- I know, not liking ice cream? Tragic.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger kcterrilynn said...

For reasons I can no longer remember, many years ago I used to have that quote on my answering machine. Best movie of the 80's.

At 9:16 PM, Blogger TheTart said...

New post please. ; )

Am having TH withdrawal.
Love Actually!

Mystery smooch,
The Tart

At 1:38 AM, Blogger tinyhands said...

Andi- Don't go. I'll write you a note.

KCTL- For reasons you cannot remember? How about that Hughes is (was) a God.

Joss- As you wish...


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