Sunday, May 14, 2006

Always use Tinyhands in a well-ventilated area

It was a better weekend than it had any right to be. By some reckoning my weekend started nearly 3 years ago and continues beyond today, tomorrow, and the next day but I'll stick to the events of what most normal people consider a weekend.

Friday- Stuff happened, yadda yadda yadda. Well no, I take it back, nothing really happened. The weather was perfect so a buddy and I decided to have mojitos on the patio at a south american grill. Love the plantain chips & chimichurri. Love. I hit the half-price bookstore afterwards but walked out empty-handed. There's always one or two books I could buy, but I still have 3 unread books on my shelf and one that I'm working on, so I'll be the responsible guy and wait until I'm in need. I took the book I'm currently reading (When China Ruled The Seas) over to the Houston Garden Center, attempting to sit downwind of the roses and read a little. Too much construction noise from outside the garden drove me out early, but not before getting a little bit of a sunburn.

Saturday- Another beautiful day. I grabbed my camera, my folding stool, and a hat and headed to the near side of downtown for the art car parade. This annual spring event is a parade of motor- and human-powered vehicles painted and otherwise decorated with every imaginable (and a lot of unimaginable) thing. I took over 200 pictures and tried my darndest to whittle that down to a few that best captured the 'essence' of the parade. There are 52 shots in a new album which you can find by following the link to your right (my left). Some of the cars made me think of some of you, as I tried to guess which ones you'd like best. Among them a Miata (17), a Beetle covered with knitting (123), a peach (96), a giant rodent (59) and, of course, a cowgirl riding a cock (171).

Sunday- The best and worst day of the weekend. I got to sleep late, which is no big deal since I always sleep late, but it seemed somehow special. I've got a BRIGHT red sunburn due to being a stupid boy who doesn't wear sunscreen while out in the sun for several hours yesterday. It's quite painful, so I need volunteers to help slather my own special (and edible, ladies!) concoction of aloe vera, whipped bananas, and chocolate Frosty™ over the affected areas. Due to the critical importance of the job, I plan on breaking the volunteers into shifts, allowing them to rest in between. (Update- Due to the overwhelming response, I am no longer accepting applicants.) Mother's Day usually means bonded servitude to the one from whom I sprang, but with the folks out of town I was granted a reprieve. Other stuff happened, yadda yadda yadda. (No, not really again)

All in all it was a nice relaxing weekend and a nice break from my hectic weekdays.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Me said...

Bar none, my favorite car in your parade of pictures wasn't very flashy, but displayed very humorous creativity. The Student Driver car. I'm still chortling.

Hope you've gotten someone to slather you in that edible salve concoction. Hmmm...

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

But Mom might cash in one day and say......"Remember back in 2006 and I was out of town and we did nothing for mother's day. Today, I'm cashing in." Wait, that's my mom, never mind, continue.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger tinyhands said...

Cootera- They would drive about 20 yards, then come to a screetching halt, then floor it again for another 20 yards or so.

Kristin- I'm sure she will, fortunately I fixed her mp3 player, so that might distract her long enough to flee.

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Me said...

Armadillo brillo... that would've had me laughing out loud full throttle! Perhaps the next time you go to a parade such as this, you'll take a little video of it.

At 12:48 PM, Blogger TheTart said...

Loved the pics ... will go back later to select favs!
Video next year please, natch.

The Tart
; )

BTW ... U would have had me at chocolate chips, had there been any in UR concoction!

At 9:56 PM, Blogger Traci Dolan said...

Awwwww... a peach car. I WANT IT!! Why didn't you steal it for me??? This is the way you treat your mother?

Just kidding, I was practicing for when Nate forgets Mother's Day.

I was only really kidding about the MD thing... where's my peach car, dude?

At 10:21 PM, Blogger tinyhands said...

Cootera- Videos next time, will do. There's the outdoor opera this weekend.

Joss- Your favorite is #72.

Peach- I got your peach right here.

At 8:55 AM, Blogger TheTart said...

#44 is pretty cool too! Lotsa pink & lovely lips, natch.
Great photos, dude. ; )

The Tart


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