Monday, May 05, 2008

Later that same day...

First, I want to thank all the people who had nice things to say after my last post. Everything in it is true, but I struggled with the very last sentence. The preceeding bits poured out like water from a pitcher, until I reached the end. I went through a couple of different endings and settled on that one, which I admit I don't really like either. So, your nice comments are your way of saying you didn't like it either. And even if you didn't leave a nice comment, or left a not nice comment, or thought of something nice that doesn't have anything to do with commenting on a blog, we're cool.

Second, about that thing with the person in that place with the deal... I accept full responsibility for that. I'm pretty sure there's no blame involved, so it just sucks all around. Just like the previous post, everything in it was true and I struggled with the very last. The preceeding bits poured out like water from a pitcher, until I reached the end. The rest, also as before. Comment or not, I hope we're cool.

I know it's been 6 weeks and you're probably hoping for more. I've got more, so this blog isn't completely exhausted, but I am. Ran right out of steam, I did. I'll be back soon.


At 9:11 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

aw, i have bad timing. sorry to leave a you're a dick comment on such a tender-hearted post. i am a dick.

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

may i stick myself in your ear?

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Me said...

S'okay to run outta gas. But yep, I want more. Also, I hope my comment in the previous post wasn't misconstrued. So I hope we're cool. Mostly, I hope you're ok, TH.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Allie said...

hi face. not face. tex.

At 10:13 AM, Blogger christelpistol said...

you can't question it. sometimes i wonder what i could have done to keep my marriage alive. but almost 2 years after i moved out, i keep replaying something my ex-husband said to me weeks ago, "we just weren't made for each other"

if that were true, then why did we even get married? why did he just make 6 years of my life look like a waste of time?

but thinking like that will make me go to crazyland. and though the sky is prettier there... it's NO place to live.

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Beth said...

I left a nice comment on your last post, but I'm afraid I have to respectfully withdraw it. But I was never "cool" to begin with, I prefer being a dork, so I guess it's ok. :)

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Beth said...

And your definition of soon is.....?

At 8:13 AM, Blogger tinyhands said...

What did you have in mind and on what subject do you propose I write?


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